About Me

Hello everyone! I’m Kassie, and welcome to Seeds of Creative Change. I am so glad that you are here. 

I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2013 after years of struggling with digestion issues and generally feeling “blah,” nothing severe enough to warrant a visit to the doctor but definitely not feeling my best. The diagnosis came as a surprise and turned my world upside down for a bit. (I am guessing that some of you have had similar experiences, and that’s why you are here.) I was lucky enough to have had a couple of people in my life that gave me tips on being gluten- free, and I also worked with a registered dietician, but I found that I still lacked a vital piece to the puzzle. 

One thing I never expected to play such an essential role in navigating my gluten-free life was TRUST. How can I trust others to prepare food that keeps me safe? Could I trust a restaurant to take precautions to avoid cross-contact with foods containing gluten? Could I trust my father-in-law to understand that just one tablespoon of flour in a dish was enough to make me sick? How was I going to deal with all of life’s occasions that deal with food? Well, I will admit that some of those anxious feelings never quite go away, but I do have more confidence now living a gluten-free life in a gluten-filled world. 

I came to coaching in 2017 through ACT Leadership Coaching, working primarily with internal clients on leadership and executive skills. I am a lifelong learner and have subsequently pursued a certification in visual coaching (SHIFT-IT Coaching) as well as a certification in health and wellness coaching (Catalyst Coaching Institute). If you love assessments, I have a few of those tools as well--I am a certified Myers-Briggs provider as well as the Center for Creative Leadership suite of assessments and the Hogan assessment. I also have a certification in Creative Problem Solving, and I love graphic recording and sketch noting. (If you book a no cost, no obligation Get Smart Quick Start call with me, you will receive a customized sketch note of our call.) 

I currently live outside of Washington DC in the suburbs of northern Virginia with my husband, Jack, and our two rescued boxers--Ivy and Minnie Pearl. Our daughter (who also has Celiac Disease) has launched and is out on her own now and thankfully not too far away, which allows for some quality time trying out new gluten-free recipes. When I have a spare moment, you can find me volunteering for a local dog rescue as an adoption coordinator, taking in some live music, or working on my next knitting project. 

I try to live my life and approach my clients with this bit of wisdom from Winnie the Pooh--Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.